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Legend has it that Are, a lonely indigenous god, felt lonely after creating paradise and decided he wanted to share it.

Using the elements of paradise that he had created, he took two reeds and created a pair of human figures, who would be his children.


She called Fura and he called Tena received the virtue of living in eternal youth in that paradise of the Muzo mountains.

Are's children had only one duty, to respect forever the principle of fidelity.


In case of breaking that pact, whoever was the subject of said disobedience, would be condemned with old age, ugliness and misery.


Fura and Tena enjoyed that paradise complying with the only rule of its creator, or at least they did so until that curious day in which Fura met who would be the subject of her misfortune, Zarbi.

She, with long black hair, characteristic of someone who inhabited the paradise of Muzo, was surprised to find that young man with short blonde hair, who had stopped on his way to fill his canteen in the river.


Fura, unable to contain his curiosity, and taking advantage of one of the gifts that Are had given her, the ability to speak any language, did not hesitate to approach the disturbing stranger.


That is how he learned that that young man named Zarbi was in his paradise in search of fulfilling a mission, to find a very strange and

unique jewel, which according to history, would be the source

of great gifts: eternal youth, beauty and happiness. happiness.

Fura, amazed with such great discoveries in that paradise that she already thought she knew, offered to help Zarbi in her search, without imagining the feelings that while they were looking for the jewel, they began to feel attraction for each other.

Little by little, Fura noticed new unknown feelings in her, her guilt and remorse began to fill her heart, because she was failing in her duty.
One day, Ella Fura noticed that she no longer only had feelings of guilt, she had aged.


Tena, seeing his appearance, understood that Fura had

disobeyed Are's command. He had been betrayed.

Grief and shame took hold of Fura, so he decided to leave Zarbi.
But it was too late. Tena, unable to bear the pain of infidelity,

decided to end her own life by sticking a spear into her heart.

Funa took Tena in her arms and tearfully regretted what she had done.

Each one of her tears turned into a bright, emerald green.
Are, disappointed by the actions of his children, decided to turn them into two large rocks.

And Zarbi, due to the damage it caused, was converted into the site by the great waterfall whose waters would pass between the two large rocks that were now the couple, separating them forever.

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